Agri Confiance in key figures

  • More than 50 member cooperatives

  • 7 agricultural sectors


    Dairy, Fruit and Vegetables, Field Crops, Poultry, Palmipedes, Fish Farming, Wine

  • More than 20 000 certified farms

  • Independently certified standards

  • A set of 100 requirements (in total) that member cooperatives commit to adhere to

    (by October 1, 2021 at the latest)

  • 4 pillars of commitment

  • The values of Agri Confiance

    • Requirements and transparency
      Quality and seriousness are our watchwords throughout our value chain
    • Commitment to progress
      Continuous improvement for an ever more sustainable agriculture, respectful of both people and nature
    • Proximity
      At the heart of our land; and open to all the stakeholders of the agricultural value chain: farmers, cooperatives, distributors, consumers.
    • Solidarity and fairness
      The cooperative spirit: respect for people, sharing knowledge and sharing values

Agri Confiance

The label that reinforces confidence between producers and consumers


A global quality approach : Agri Confiance takes the entire production chain into account. Agricultural practices, collection, processing, packaging, storage, dispatching, each stage meets fixed requirements. Knowing what we eat means knowing where the food we buy comes from, knowing who produced it and how; it means knowing its origins and processing cycles.

A committed agricultural cooperative : Agri Confiance brings together several agricultural, plant and animal production sectors. Sustainable production, fair remuneration for producers, and local development are the driving forces and strengths of agricultural cooperatives. It is an economic organisation of farmers who mutualise their means of production, processing and marketing of their agricultural products.

These farmers, who are both owners and suppliers or customers of their cooperative, manage it democratically according to the principle of "one person, one vote".

Responsible and sustainable agriculture: Agri Confiance offers products that are Made in France and that are respectful of people, resources and the environment. To guarantee and certify this approach, member cooperatives must meet a set of standards*, certified by independent bodies, and common requirements.


*These standards are certified annually by independent certification bodies accredited by the COFRAC (Bureau Véritas, Afnor and SGS). Download the transition procedures for the new standards here. This approach is based on the implementation of Afnor standards NF V01-005 and NF V01-007: quality management system and quality and environmental management system.